Alhamdulillah! And so, it's Ramadan!! The holy month of Islam where fasting is incumbent upon all adult Muslims and muslimahs.
How are you friends? And how's Ramadan going with you? May Allah make it easy.
Yes, let's discuss. As it's the holy month, what's expected of us to know?
Let's note these important key points as we try our best to please our Lord.
1. Be prepared. Spiritually and physically.
It's very important by now for us to be prepared and ready to make this month superb. Plan your time and schedule properly. You should have your goal to be achieved this month. Do not be the type that does things as they come. Be prepared.
2. Ramadan is beyond abstinence from eating and drinking.
Know that Ramadan is not just about abstaining from eating drinking and having intercourse. There is more to Ramadan than all these. As you abstain from eating and drinking, try to abstain from useless and vulgar talks. Abstain from all those things that will make you sin. Abstain from watching movies, listening to music!, being in bad company and all sort.
In fact, the Prophet (S. A. W) was reported to have said that Allah is not in need of the fast of a person who doesn't abstain from illicit talks.
If your friends can not benefit you in this month, it's better to keep away from them during this period!
3. Be determined to improve.
This Golden month is meant for improvement. Alhamdulillah, we've been seeing our sisters who do not care to observe the correct Islamic dressing before, now putting on the hijab. Maa sha Allah. That's cool sister, but dear, Please, do not limit your righteous deeds only to Ramadan. Continue with that even after the month is long gone.
There is a hadith where Jibril cursed the person who witnessed Ramadan but was unable to gain anything from it and the Prophet said Aameen! Subhanallah, May we not be among the accursed. Let's try our best to improve in our ibaadah in this honorable month.
4. Eat moderately.
Do not turn this month to the month of feasting. It's a month of ibaadah! Eat simple and moderate food during iftaar and suhoor. Eat only to the extent that you will be able to remain healthy for prayers. So many people gain weight during this month instead of reducing weight. That sounds funny. This is inevitable when one eats alot during suhoor and iftaar.
5. Avoid Riyaa!!!
This is a very important point my dear brothers and sisters. Yes, this is a month of a lot of ibaadah. You recite much Quran and pray much nawaafil solat. At the same time, it's very good if one can encourage one's friends and relatives to also do good in this holy month. But, for Allah's sake, let's try our best to abstain from show-off! Riyaa is a serious thing which can quickly spoil one's good deeds. It's Shirk! You don't have to tell people how much ibaadah you've done or how much Quran you've read. Keep everything hidden and expect reward only from Allah. Do things only to please Allah and only for Allah's sake.
6. Do not waste your time on frivolous things.
Manage your time beautifully. Be conscious of time. Make valuable use of it. Do only what's beneficial. May Allah accept all our deeds in this holy month as an act of ibaadah.
PS. there are some other things one needs to know with regards to this month but this is just the few I can come up with now because of time restriction. My schedule is just so tight, forgive me for not writing since all these while.
I hope to write more often these days. So be at alert. Wishing us an ibaadahful and rewardbundantful Ramadan.
And at the same time, my posts doesn't make me pious, but reminders surely benefit a believer.
Assalaam alaykum warahmatullah wabarakatuhu.
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